As part of the seminar “Circular Economy and Sustainability Management in the Global South” (TUMCS Professorship Circular Economy), we, ten Master students at the TUM Campus for Biotechnology and Sustainability in Straubing, will go for a two-week research excursion to Ghana in a few weeks – the focus of our excursion is the recycling of electronic waste in Accra, the capital of Ghana.

Next to our on-site research, we are collecting donations in kind and money for young and adult students of the school in Old Fadama.

What is it about? 

Agbogbloshie, one of the world’s largest electronic waste dumpsites is located next to the urban slum Old Fadama of the Ghanaian capital Accra – mainly (illegally) imported electronic waste from Europe ends up there. Thousands of people live and work there under precarious working conditions and high health risks, as they are exposed to toxic pollutants during the e-waste recycling processes.   

What is needed? 

The NGO Holy Bakhita, also known as “City of God” operates a kindergarten as well as a school for young adults in the urban slum of Old Fadama. Thus, it has been a central and important institution for the community in Old Fadama since many years. Since 2019, computer and ITC training has been added to the educational offerings of the school.

How to donate?

In kind donations:  You want to donate some items? Please bring them to the Green Office (Tuesday 2 pm – 5 pm and Friday 9 am to 12 am), to the donation box in the Uferstraße or the Circular Economy Office (to Vanessa Heinrich, am Essigberg 3) by November 17, 2023. Please limit yourself to the items on the list only, we cannot accept any additional stuff.

Monetary donations: You don’t have any of the above items at home, but still want to contribute? According to the local organization a conference system is needed to improve the computer training – for this we have created a donation pool: !

Your support is highly appreciated! If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to contact us ( /

All the best,

Verena Starflinger, Vera Hueck & Denise Blazek